Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Saturday, August 7, 2010

He Is Love (c) 2010 Jim Yackel

He is love - that is truly what He is. No matter how dark or lonely your corner of this fallen world becomes, remember that He is love.

No matter how long this Storm may rage, He is love that you can clutch and cling to when the unrelenting gale-force winds seem as though they will blow you away. And if your power should go out, He is the candle from everlasting to everlasting, and His flame will never be extinguished. And should you lose your freedom under tyrannical rule that speaks lies and says it knows what's best for you during this time of crisis - know that through His sacrifice made out of love you are truly and forever free.

Even when you cannot see the light that does indeed wait at the end of your tunnel, bear in mind that He is love and He is that light. When it seems as though you have lost your sight due to the unforgiving darkness in that tunnel, remember that because of His love you are forgiven and your sight will be restored and be more keen than ever before when you emerge. So, with this knowledge and assurance, you cannot give up. You must keep walking as you will make it to the promise land...

...If your legs are becoming heavy and your strength is draining away, don't be surprised if you suddenly feel as though you are being swept off of your feet and then carried. When it seems as though this towpath that you are walking will never turn into a street of gold, know that because of His love that it will indeed. When you can't envision that old canal that runs alongside ever turning into the River of Life, I encourage you to think again! He is love and He is the King of Miracles. Please don't ever doubt what can be done at His hand!

You are not alone now and you never were. Yes, in this world there is great pain and loneliness and there are so many days when it seems as though the frustration and hardship will not end. Please don't lose hope because we are almost home. There will be no more tears and no more pain. These former things will pass away on the breeze as wisps of smoke. The aching in your heart and soul that today is oppressive and dispiriting will be but a faded memory. Today's frustrations and failures will be tomorrow's laughter.

I, too, know these sorrowful things and in lament and second-guessing I sometimes forget the very things that I have written here for you. But Jesus is love, and in that love He tells me that I have to keep walking. I will emerge from my tunnel and you will step up and out of yours. My towpath extends straight into a multi-colored sunset and it is there that it becomes a street of gold. This canal adjacent to and paralleling my towpath may be stagnant and in places covered with algae, but when it too reaches that multi-colored sunset it will be refreshed, renewed, and be the River of Life.

We are wayfarers and we're walking together. We have each other to keep as friends and company, and we have Him; He who is true and abiding love into eternity - to lead us out of despair and fatigue and into the Golden City forevermore.

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