Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pirate Radio (c) 2010 Jim Yackel

Pirate Radio is the title of the 10th chapter of my new Christian-Fiction book The Wayfarers. But, the purpose of this piece of writing set before you is not to promote that book. This instead is a discourse on modes of communication through the Storm's most severe days and weeks.

AM Radio is primarily a mode of conveyance for conservative talkers like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, and so many others. These broadcast personalities put forth information and opinion that is useful and enlightening - especially now as the Storm is beginning as a flurry of lies, deceptions, and slight of hand - disseminated by those in positions of undeserved and ill-begotten power who are sawing the legs off of America's dining room table. These are the Riders on the Storm; captained by Soros and his merry band of puppet masters - all of whom answer to a the dark power that they will soon see in the Spiritual and the Natural.

This is not merely a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is an actual emergency. Be advised that broadcasters and stations who don't allow marionette strings to be attached to their jaws will be disconnected. When these plugs are pulled during the teeth of the Storm, who will be the substitute hosts?

Pirate Radio is illegal broadcasting via a station operating sans FCC clearance. In essence, it is the hi-jacking of a radio band that may or may not be open. Most generally, this hi-jacking is done over a frequency that is currently open in the particular pirate's locale. For example, in Central New York State, 107.5 FM is one of a number of unclaimed slots that could be "hi-jacked" if necessary.

As the Storm grows in its fury, there will be a blurring of the lines that separate legal and illegal. When it comes down to survival, man's law will be disregarded. I am not advising civil disobedience or lawlessness for the pure sake of it, as this will only add unhelpful chaos during a strenuous and tumultuous time as summer collapses into fall. But, what I am saying is that people will "do what they gotta do."

Aspiring broadcasters such as this writer may take to the airwaves to broadcast information, support, and God's word when the big-time personalities that millions of us currently enjoy are suddenly "removed." Those who take up this mantel will put themselves in great personal danger - especially if the expected state of Martial Law is put into effect during the harshest part of the Storm. Communication will be key during the worst of the Storm, and clearly-spoken communicators will need to rise up and fill the suddenly created void.

These broadcasts will likely be powered by battery and generator from basements, abandoned buildings, and from moving vehicles in places where the Brown Shirts and Blue Helmets are not deployed in numbers.

Batteries are going to be at a premium and they will be a primary power source when electric grids are damaged or mysteriously turned-off. Batteries will drive our radios and phones - if cell towers remain operational. A new breed of volunteer broadcasters will be hosting shows that you won't be able to call into. They will have valuable insights, information, and Word - and we'd be advised to tune in - knowing that they may be broadcasting one day and jailed or killed the next.

Draw close to the Lord. These days are nigh upon us as the Storm's flurries and sleet are lightly falling as a contradiction to a hot and sunny month of June. From this point forward, much will not be as it seems. Know that Christ is the truth and he is the one Risen above death and deception to eternal life.

Yes, draw close to Jesus our defender and intercessor. Praise you my Risen King!

And keep your radios dialed in.

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