Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So many of the brethren are under attack in September of 2010.  Indeed, so many are befallen with hard times and steep hills strewn with loose rocks that they must climb.  Yes, so many unstable footfalls and uncertain tomorrows.  Considerable loss and insignificant gain is the tone of the day as we struggle to keep ahead of the wolves that are trailing us in deliberate, demonic pursuit.
Financial struggles are pitched as we cling to our blessed hope.  Stealthily the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) has made its way onto the world scene as a method of payment based on commodities that can be used in lieu of the Dollar.  This payment method can be used in America – again in place of the Dollar – through the U.S. Postal Service website amongst other places.
The SDR was created in 1969 but not truly utilized; however there is now a push by China to make it the World Currency.   The IMF is looking to the SDR to become the new reserve currency to replace the Dollar, and it is a step toward the Bancor which could possibly become the world currency.
No matter how this apple gets sliced, the move toward a single-word currency is gaining ground today in September while so many unaware Americans are counting on pensions and retirement funds and waiting for Republican and Tea Party saviors to sweep in and save the day come November.  These financial moves involving a single-world currency or payment method are far bigger than Republicans, the Tea Party, pensions, retirement funds, union dues, and paid vacations for the “B” Shift.  In the process, the Dollar that has been the foundation of American Capitalism and the world’s financial standard will be killed and replaced.
A single-world financial system run from a single bank will be fully operational during a single-world system of governance – controlled and overseen by a single man – the “Man of Sin” or Anti-Christ.  We are moving this way quickly.
So, here this writer goes again, sounding his warning.  There was the Storm Watch, the Storm Warning, and now this.  “That crazy Jim” they say.  “That peculiar fellow just has too much spare time on his hands to be thinking about all this weird insert curse word for feces here.  He needs to get himself a real job!”
No, this job does not pay well at all, but this writer continues to do it at the best of his ability.  In that, I will warn you while you laugh at me:
Jesus Christ paid a considerable price for you on the cross.  You’ve heard it all before, but it obviously needs repeating.  Jesus is the only way to Heaven and an everlasting life in the presence of God.  You can call me a fundamentalist bigot or much worse, I don’t care as I’ve heard it before.
The America and the world as you know it are steadily coming apart under your feet.  You may not see it as you look at yourself in the mirror, but soon you will feel it as your footfalls become unsteady and you begin to wobble.  The “system” as you know it is being replaced.  The guys and gals on CNN won’t tell you about it, you have to instead read what those who you consider to be “wackos” write on the internet.
Your apple cart is being upset, and so is mine.  There is no politician that is going to gather up your spilled apples.  Without a true faith in Jesus Christ, the spilled apples will rot and become infested with worms.
Have you ever bitten into a rotten, wormy apple?
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!

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