Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Monday, August 10, 2009

UK Government To Install Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes

The UK government is about to spend $700 million dollars installing surveillance cameras inside the private homes of citizens to ensure that children go to bed on time, attend school and eat proper meals.

No you aren’t reading a passage from George Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, this is Britain in 2009, a country which already has more surveillance cameras watching its population than the whole of Europe put together.

Now the government is embarking on a scheme called “Family Intervention Projects” which will literally create a nanny state on steroids, with social services goons and private security guards given the authority to make regular “home checks” to ensure parents are raising their children correctly.

Telescreens will also be installed so government spies can keep an eye on whether parents are mistreating kids and whether the kids are fulfilling their obligations under a pre-signed contract.

Story link

1 comment:

  1. I have lived in the UK for quite sometime so this news should not come as a surprise but this one really made me laugh. This is so idiotic. It is as moronic as the security card measure. Can't the Uk government think of a developmental thing to do.
