What is the 'emerging church' or the 'emerging movement'? The emerging, or emergent, church movement takes its name from the idea that as culture changes, a new church should emerge in response. In this case, it is a response by various church leaders to the current era of post-modernism. Although post-modernism began in the 1950s, the church didn't really seek to conform to its tenets until the 1990s. Post-modernism can be thought of as a dissolution of "cold, hard fact" in favor of "warm, fuzzy subjectivity." The emerging / emergent church movement can be thought of the same way.
The following are the beliefs/teachings behind the Emerging Church:
•The world is radically changing and the church must radically change with it
•Since the Church has been culture bound for so long we must reexamine and question every belief and practice in the Church, finding new ways to define
•We have no foundation for any beliefs, therefore we cannot know absolute truth
•Since we cannot know absolute truth, we can only experience what is "true" for our communities
•Since we cannot know absolute truth we cannot be dogmatic about doctrine
•Since we cannot know absolute truth we cannot be dogmatic about moral standards
•Since we cannot know absolute truth, dogmatic preaching must give way to a dialogue between people of all beliefs
•Since propositional truth is uncertain, spiritual feeling and social action make up the only reliable substance of Christianity
•To capture a sacred feeling we should reconnect with ancient worship forms
•Since sublime feeling is experienced through outward forms, we should utilize art forms in our worship
•Through conversation with them, "outsiders" will become part of our community, and then be able to understand and believe what we teach
•All are welcome to join the "conversation" as long as they behave in a kind and open-minded manner.
•The ultimate goal is to make the world a better place
The Lord Jesus Christ himself warned that in the closing hours of history, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived. That is a high degree of subtlety and it explains why so few evangelicals are challenging men like Erwin McManus and Brian McLaren and Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones and all the others on the emergent bandwagon.
2 Tim. 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, [4] and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
If your church is part of the emerging church movement, then run don't walk to the nearest exit and never look back. The world will one day hold hands and sing in unison, and worship the anti-Christ. Many will be fooled because they will have no foundation to stand on, and no belief that the Bible is the true word of God, so all they will have is false teachers to tell them what to believe. Don't allow yourself or your children to be one of these fooled and lost individuals. Guard your soul and your doctrine, the time is short.
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