Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"American Girl" (c) 2010 by Jim Yackel

An ABC news article dated for July 26th claims that the Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has shrunk from being the approximate size of the state of Kansas to now the size of New Hampshire. Where did the crude go? Some along the Gulf believe that the oil for the greater part is still there, layered between the surface of the water and the bottom.

Granted, it isn't at the levels previous to the application of a makeshift cap, but the oil is still leaking, is it not? And, aren't there concerns of methane gas being forced through the ocean floor?

Indeed, it would be convenient for the Arrogant Marionette and his lapdog Television Talking Faces in the Mainstream Media for this mess to be cleaning itself up. Yes, they would choose to keep us in the dark concerning any events that would feed moisture into the growing maelstrom. These lost and deceived souls who choose to follow the wayward wind operate most effectively under the cover of darkness.

No matter what is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico, we are not likely to get the truth. And, when portraits of an improving U.S. economy are painted on the canvases of our idiot boxes we must know that the artists are deceivers. As Israel is in danger from all sides as the insidious wolves who are her neighbors scratch and claw at her perimeter attempting to create a breach, these artists who paint portraits of bull feces will scarcely write the letters of her name as she is the apple of the eye of the Holy, Triune, God; He who causes their hair to stand on end and their souls to churn like a roiley, rain-swollen river. 

America is in fact awakening; and she is in a foul mood as she has been asleep but has not been rested. Yes, America is awakening with nausea and a pounding headache and she is still dressed in last night's clothes - these which are coated with her own vomit. On November 4th, 2008, she went to the voting booth drunk on spiked Kool-Aid and through her fuzzy vision pulled the lever for the first wooden president; who is a most willing and arrogant marionette for the wealthy Puppet Masters to manipulate. Our American Girl was oh so easily wooed and manipulated and as the free Kool-Aid shots were slid across the bar and through her television, she swallowed them carelessly with no consideration of who would pick her up and take her home.

Why was our American Girl so easily tempted and manipulated? The answer is to that question is simple: she took her eyes off of Jesus and instead lusted over a handsome, teleprompted albeit wooden false-messiah, and she gave in to the urgings of her loins and not the prompting of her spirit.

Yes, our girl is awake now and though she is hungover and reeks of bile, she is being overcome with sobriety. She is looking at what is laying in her bed with a wolfish grin on its wooden face and she feels violated. But, as the Storm is gaining in intensity, will our girl get showered, dressed, and swallow her holy spirit coffee in time?

Gracious and merciful Lord - this day we pray for clarity and sobriety for this nation and for the world. We ask Lord that more will turn to You as their first love. Those who have turned away from You, please Lord, appeal to their hearts today that those longings will be refreshed and that they will run back into Your loving arms to be forever in Your embrace.

Time is of the essence and not a luxury on July 27th, 2010. Please Lord, create a sense of urgency and sobriety in the lost and in the backslid. Please Lord, a sense of sobriety for those drunk on the world and its false wooden idols. Jesus, you deserve all of our worship and praise, and in your most holy name we pray- Amen!

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