Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Friday, July 30, 2010

"The American Natural" (c) 2010 by Jim Yackel

As of July 30th, 2010, the Storm is intensifying much more in the Supernatural than the Natural; at least in the experiences of this writer. I have seen the bizarre and the virtually indescribable. I have stood on soft and shifting ground, but my faith in the Lord has not been shaken nor has it wavered.

Many of us have been expecting Storm events to begin manifesting themselves in the natural. Instead, everything here in the material appears to be in a holding pattern. Certainly, the U.S. economy is still ailing as the Television Talking Faces carry water for the Arrogant Marionette and claim that the situation is improving. Indeed, there is still a small amount of oil pouring into the Gulf of Mexico, as more of us question the veracity of the reporting from that area. U.S. service personnel are dying in Afghanistan, but again, there seems to be a lack of attention being paid to that conflict on the part of the mainstream media. Israel and Iran? All appears to be quiet on that front - but it never is. A Japanese oil tanker was recently damaged in the Strait of Hormuz by what appears to have been a blast and not a "freak wave" as Iranian officials claim; and yet where is the outrage over this apparent act of aggression?

The obfuscation is in full-effect in the American Natural as this Storm is intensifying in the Spiritual. The culture is still texting while it drives; from its iPhones and other high-end telecommunications devices while at the same time complaining that it can't pay its mortgage or purchase groceries. The young hipsters are looking for Jesus inside of a labyrinth as they hope that He will come and repair their broken earth. It seems that here in the Natural we have opened our fingers and dropped our absolutes as we celebrate new and more culturally-sensitive ways to preach a tired old Gospel. Oh, but we are wrong about that old Gospel being tired! That old Gospel is vibrant and alive; it is those who walk circular paths and succumb to trances in this Natural that declare the sanctified word of our Lord to be old and tired.

So while all appears to be quiet on the physical earth-front on this penultimate day of July, know that further down the path where many can't see there is much activity and movement. Only through the covering of the Holy Spirit brought to us through the saving grace of Jesus Christ will we be prepared for what lies ahead. As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:6-7, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

May we pray?

Dear Lord - We are grateful that you will guard or hearts and minds as there appears to be a stagnation of events here in the Natural. so many of us are under attack from the evil that exists in the Supernatural. Many of us have been depressed, distressed, and tormented. Many of us are suffering loss and damage to the basics of material earthly life, and yet we must understand that ultimately these things do not matter as we have You and Your eternal life alive inside of us and persevering us.

Lord, help me to understand and be able to communicate the things that I am seeing as I believe they are important and useful. Please give me clarity and sight and let me use it to honor You. Please be with us all as we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Jesus, You are the victor over these things and we have victory in You! In Your glorious name we pray, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this powerful prayer. May you day be filled with peace.
