Cool Stuff

The Wayfarers trilogy by author Jim Yackel

Monday, August 23, 2010

Staggering Punch-Drunk To The Gate ©2010 Jim Yackel

As may be in your case, people around me are struggling as they are under attack from the enemy. This writer himself is being routinely used by the enemy as a sparring bag. I see spiritual wounds on others that are bleeding profusely as are some of my own. I see believers staggering punch-drunk in their Christian walks as they just want to get home safely. I see believers down on their knees, feeling around for the spiritual eye glasses that have been knocked off of their faces; crying out to the Lord "please, let me find my sight so I can get home." In these situations I desire to provide aid, but it's hard for me to carry my brothers when my own knees are buckling. 

All we want to do is get home. We are fighting the good fight, endeavoring to finish the race while we keep the faith. The enemy seems to be there at every turn, throwing down obstacles and running trip-wire across the path that leads us to the narrow gate. As we trip and fall, the enemy chuckles and proclaims "I have a wider and easier path that you can take, just come and follow me! I've got women, I've got money, I've got the best that this world has to offer. I've got a program custom-made just to suit your desires! C'mon fool, what are you waiting for?" 

Some of us continue to get up and keep pursuing the prize that awaits through the narrow gate, while others give up and follow the King of Con-Artists down his wide path to destruction. Sure, we get tired of picking gravel out of our knees and elbows. Indeed, we're running low on sutures, ice packs, and Ibuprofen. And, we absolutely confess to occasional envy of those with us on the narrow path who never seem to trip and fall; those who seem to have one blessing after another poured out on them. Every day seems to be Hallelujahs, sunshine, and roses -- but, is it really? Be skeptical of anyone who tells you that they no longer commit sin because to be sinless would be something other than human. Test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
The enemy is busy in August of 2010. He is well-armed and firing at will. You cannot engage him in hand to hand combat and expect to win, as he is more powerful than any of us. The evil one is fueled by a cocktail of equal parts desperation, enthusiasm, greed, and arrogance. He knows that his days of ruling this fallen world -- the days of Jacob's Trouble -- are close at hand. He is mobilizing his minions and lashing out at all of us who worship the One, True, Living, Triune God. Some of us are more easily injured by his claws than others, but all of us can be healed of our wounds.
As powerful and intelligent an angel as he is, the evil one is too stupid to know that he is going to lose. It seems as though he is winning in these recent months, but he is only keeping the score close. He has the American political system -- and that of the entire world -- firmly in his grips and he will rule it to its end. He has diabolical influence over the mainstream media and our educational institutions -- these two organisms are only too willing to bow to his desires. He had made us weak and vulnerable as a culture and society, but that is only because we've allowed him to with the free will that God has blessed us with. We have been too willingly led down the wide path. 

This day, the enemy -- the evil one known as Satan -- may be beating you silly. This is only a season and a time and the one who was pierced for our transgressions will heal those injuries. Yes, He who salves us was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed! 

Now is the time for unyielding firmness in our faith. Today is the day when we get back up, even if it means another punch in the chops. This is the moment we run and not grow weary -- even when we get tripped and tumble down. Look ahead and look up no matter how much pain you are in, because the narrow gate is in sight. 

If you are a child of God and have been struggling in your walk -- if Satan has been routinely knocking you down -- lift up your hands no matter how much it hurts and let Jesus grab them. He will lift you up and breathe fresh life into your soul. Let He who was perfect and sinless wash the filth of this fallen world off of your feet. He will break you out of your prison of oppression while being the medication for your depression. 

When you're hurting, know that there is a salve for your pain. If you're addicted, know that there is a hacksaw that can cut those chains. If you're frustrated, know that you're not alone. If you're lost, know that there is but one way home. When overwhelmed with loneliness, know that it will pass. If you're hunkered down in a fox hole, know that the battle won't last.
This story has a happy ending: Satan loses and Jesus -- the son of God who is fully God -- will be the victor. Get ready because our anthem is about to rise to an exhilarating sky-high crescendo! I implore you to keep looking up...

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